Our Marie Curie Fellow, Dr. Laura Fusco, received the best oral presentation award at the Marie Curie Alumni Association Conference (March 2024, Milan, Italy)!

Our Marie Curie Fellow, Dr. Laura Fusco, received the best oral presentation award at the Marie Curie Alumni Association Conference (March 2024, Milan, Italy)!
Lucia Gemma Delogu Ph.D.
Principal Investigator of the ImmuneNano-lab
Phone: +39 049 9640139
Fax: +39 049 9640101
Email: luciagemma.delogu@unipd.it
Lucia Gemma Delogu Ph.D.
Principal Investigator of the ImmuneNano-lab
Phone: +39 049 9640139
Fax: +39 049 9640101
Email: luciagemma.delogu@unipd.it
Lucia Gemma Delogu Ph.D.
Principal Investigator of the ImmuneNano-lab
Phone: +39 049 9640139
Fax: +39 049 9640101
Email: luciagemma.delogu@unipd.it